Steadworth Electronic
Signature and Record Policy

Effective Date: Not Effective Currently

Effective Date: Not Effective Currently

I. Introduction and Purpose

Steadworth, LLC ("Steadworth") is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations governing the use of electronic signatures and records, including the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act ("ESIGN") and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act ("UETA"). This Electronic Signature and Record Policy ("Policy") establishes a framework for the use of electronic signatures and records in connection with Steadworth's Home Wealth Share Program ("Program").

II. Policy Statement

Steadworth will ensure that all electronic signatures and records used in the Program are:

  • Legally valid and enforceable.

  • Secure and reliable.

  • Accessible and readily available.

III. Scope

This Policy applies to all electronic signatures and records used in the Program, including:

  • Program agreements and disclosures.

  • Authorizations for electronic fund transfers.

  • Other documents and communications related to the Program.

IV. Definitions

  • Electronic Record: Any contract or other record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.

  • Electronic Signature: An electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.

V. Implementation

Steadworth will use electronic signature and record systems that comply with ESIGN, UETA, and other applicable laws and regulations. These systems will be designed to ensure the:

  • Authentication of signers.

  • Integrity of electronic records.

  • Retention of electronic records.

VI. Consent to Use Electronic Records and Signatures

Steadworth will obtain the affirmative consent of all Program participants before using electronic records and signatures. This consent will be obtained in a clear and conspicuous manner and will include information about the participant's right to withdraw consent at any time.

VII. Consumer Disclosures

When required by law, Steadworth will provide consumers with specific disclosures about their rights and responsibilities related to electronic records and signatures. These disclosures will be provided in a clear and conspicuous manner and will be accessible to consumers for future reference.

VIII. Recordkeeping

Steadworth will maintain complete and accurate records of all electronic signatures and records used in the Program. These records will be retained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

IX. Vendor Relationships

Steadworth will only use third-party vendors that comply with ESIGN, UETA, and other applicable laws and regulations. Steadworth will have written agreements with these vendors that address data security, privacy, and record retention requirements.

X. Review and Revision

This Policy will be reviewed and revised periodically to ensure that it remains current and effective.

XI. Conclusion

Steadworth is committed to using electronic signatures and records in a secure, reliable, and compliant manner. This Policy is intended to ensure that all electronic signatures and records used in the Program are legally valid and enforceable.

XII. Contact

Any questions or concerns regarding this Policy should be directed to the Compliance Officer at

Please note: This Policy is intended to supplement, not replace, any other applicable Steadworth policies or procedures.

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